Saturday 4 April 2015


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Though Windows 8 has received mixed reviews, it remains Microsoft’s latest operating system. If you own a Mac, and you want to use Windows, purchasing Windows 8 is likely the best option.

Unfortunately, it’s also a bit harder to install that than Windows 7. Changes to the way Microsoft sells its new operating system, along with a lack of support from the current version of Boot Camp, makes installation slightly more harrowing. But don’t worry; the steps are still doable for even the newest Mac owner.

Before you begin

Windows 8 is the first version of Microsoft’s operating system to lack a retail copy. Want to walk down to the local electronics store and buy a fresh install? Too bad! You’ll find none on their shelves. You’ll only be able to purchase upgrade versions, and, since those require you have a previous Windows installation, they won’t work with Boot Camp.

The upgrade version will work if you’ve already installed Windows on your Mac with a valid key. Owners who have Windows 7 can follow the steps in this guide, install that version of Windows, and then install Windows 8 Upgrade.

Since the retail version is gone, you’ll instead have to buy an OEM copy. This isn’t carried by most brick-and-mortar retailers, but speciality computer retailers might have it. You can also find it at online stores like Amazon and Newegg. A regular copy of  Windows 8 OEM is $99 and Windows 8 Pro OEM is $139.

You’ll also need to make sure your Mac has OS X Mountain Lion (so you have the latest version of Boot Camp) and at least 20GB of empty hard disk space. Free space is needed because Windows 8 will be installed on a partition of your Mac’s hard drive reserved specifically for it. That partition will also be used to store any software you install while using Windows 8.

Create a bootable USB drive (for Macs with no optical drive)

Owning a Windows 8 disk isn’t helpful if your Mac doesn’t have an optical drive. To make matters worse, Microsoft doesn’t offer an online install of Windows 8 OEM. You’ll need to use an alternative method of installation.

The easiest solution is to use an external optical drive that connects to your Mac via USB. These are not hard to find, but they’re also not free. Expect to pay $25 to $50 if you buy from an online retailer, or $79 if you buy Apple’s own version. If you decide to purchase an external optical drive, skip to the next step.

Still reading? Okay. To skip the use of an optical drive entirely, you’ll need a USB drive with at least 4GB of space and access to a Windows PC that does have an optical drive.

Download and install Imgburn to that computer, insert your Windows 8 install disk (but don’t run the installer), and then run ImgBurn. Select “Create Image from Disc,” select the optical drive (if not already chosen), set a destination, and then click the icon at the bottom. This will create a .ISO file from the Windows 8 install disc.


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